To Whom It May Concern: This fax format acts as its own cover sheet. The advantages are two-fold. First, it saves paper (thermal fax paper is not recyclable), second, it saves time (you don<@146>t have to spend time sending a separate cover page). It has the additional advantage of putting the most important routing information at the very top of the page, so that only the first inch of the page needs to be received correctly for the recipient to know who it<@146>s from and to. @BULLET = To Use This Format: The fax address at the top is in a frame with seven columns. It uses two tags: Fax Head and Fax Body. Fax Head contains an automatic column break, so if you press Enter while in this tag, you will jump to the top of the next column. If you want two lines of fax head, such as appears in <@147>Date,<@148> press Control-Enter instead of Enter<@151>This will create a new line, but not a new paragraph. To get a better idea of how this works, turn Tabs and Returns On. The body of the letter may either be written a word processing program, or typed directly into Ventura. Corel Ventura can be a fast and efficient word processor. @BULLET = Graphic Logo To put your own graphic in this frame, choose the Load Graphic option from the File Menu and load your graphic. Click on the frame that contains the graphic, then click on the file name of your graphic which should appear in the File List Window. @BULLET = Return Address Your return address appears in a frame at the bottom of the page. Plant your text cursor and simply delete the existing text by pressing DEL repeatedly, or highlight the text and press DEL once. The Return Address text is in a repeating frame, so it will appear on every page of your fax. @SUBHEAD = Page 2: You<@146>ll notice the return address at the bottom, but you<@146>ll also see a graphic logo and page number at the top of the page. This repeating frame will appear on all pages except page 1. To put your own graphic in this frame, choose Load Graphic from the File menu, and load your graphic. Click on the frame that contains the graphic, then click on the file name of your graphic which should appear in the File List Window.